Implementation Details

Configuring The Producer - Pepper-Box

To install the plugin, you need to compile this source code or download the jar file, then put it in the lib/ext folder and restart JMeter.

This plugin has 3 elements:

Let us look at each of them.

Pepper-Box PlainText Config

To add this item, go to the Thread group -> Add -> Config Element -> Pepper-Box PlainText Config

As you can see in the picture above, the element has 2 fields:

For example, in the screenshot above, we are passing the JSON string as a message, using several plugin functions: to specify the message number, to specify the identifier and the sending timestamp.

As you can see in the picture above, the element has a field for the key and the Class Name field, which is intended for specifying the Java class. The jar file with the class must be placed in the lib/ext folder. After it is specified, the fields with its properties will appear below, and you can assign desired values to them. We repeated the message from the last element, but it will be a Java object this time.


To add this element, go to Thread group -> Add-> Sampler -> Java Request. Then, select com.gslab.pepper.sampler.PepperBoxKafkaSampler from the drop-down list
